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Customer Support

Customer Query Categorisation

This agentic task categorises and prioritises insurance customer enquiries - useful for customer service agents. The task specification outlines how to:

  • Classify enquiries across multiple communication channels using semantic analysis

  • Calculate priority scores based on urgency, complexity and service level agreements

  • Generate routing recommendations with department-specific handling protocols

  • Identify recurring enquiry patterns through trend analysis

  • Produce structured service analytics with volume-based insights

As a modular agentic task, it can be integrated into CRM systems and helpdesk platforms, enabling AI agents to execute systematic enquiry management within existing customer service workflows. The task specification includes frameworks for multi-channel analysis, priority assessment, routing optimisation, and trend identification, adaptable to specific insurance products and service requirements.

Example outputs:

"response": {
    "category": "Billing",
    "priority": "High",
    "department": "Billing Department",
    "subcategory": "Duplicate Charge",
    "auto_response": "Thank you for reaching out to us. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the duplicate charge on your account. Our team is currently investigating the issue and will ensure that any necessary refunds are processed promptly. We appreciate your patience.",
    "suggested_action": "Investigate the duplicate charge on the customer's account and process a refund if applicable. Contact the customer with an update on the resolution."