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Agent Playbook

Browse agentic AI tasks that instruct LLMs to carry out specific jobs.
These can be integrated into existing workflows in your apps and tools.

Claims Policy Verification

Claims Triage

Claims Fraud Analysis

Customer Query Categorisation

Policy Comparison

Damage Assessment from Images

Insurance Needs Analysis

Policy Renewal Recommendation

Claims Status Update

Compliance Documentation Check

Claims Documentation Validation

Query Triage and Escalation

Retention Manager

Policy Renewal Recommendation

This agentic task suggests personalised insurance renewal strategies - useful for retention management agents. The task specification establishes how to:

  • Synthesise policyholder circumstance changes with coverage requirements

  • Evaluate cost-benefit scenarios across policy adjustment options

  • Construct targeted cross-product recommendations based on risk evolution

  • Map coverage gaps against current policy provisions

  • Develop evidence-driven renewal proposals with optimisation insights

As a modular agentic task, it seamlessly embeds into policy management and CRM ecosystems, allowing AI agents to orchestrate data-driven renewal strategies within existing customer journeys. The task specification encompasses frameworks for customer analysis, coverage optimisation, and retention enhancement, customisable across motor, property, and life insurance portfolios.

Example outputs:

"response": {
    "changes": [
      "Customer has started using their car for business purposes as a rideshare driver",
      "Installed aftermarket stereo system and high-performance tires"
    "coverage_gaps": "The current policy may not cover business use of the vehicle, which is a significant gap given the customer's new use as a rideshare driver.",
    "policy_summary": "Current auto insurance policy with $500,000 coverage, $1,800 annual premium, and $1,000 deductible. Includes add-ons like Roadside Assistance, Rental Car Coverage, and Windshield Protection.",
    "renewal_summary": "It is recommended to upgrade the policy to include coverage for business use due to the customer's new role as a rideshare driver. Consider increasing coverage limits and reviewing add-ons for enhanced protection.",
    "potential_savings": "Bundling business use coverage with existing policy might offer discounts. Additionally, reviewing deductible options could optimize premium costs.",
    "recommended_updates": [
      "Add business use coverage to the policy to ensure protection while driving for rideshare purposes.",
      "Consider increasing liability coverage limits due to increased exposure from rideshare activities.",
      "Review and potentially adjust the deductible to balance premium costs and out-of-pocket expenses."