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Agent Playbook

Browse agentic AI tasks that instruct LLMs to carry out specific jobs.
These can be integrated into existing workflows in your apps and tools.

Claims Policy Verification

Claims Triage

Claims Fraud Analysis

Customer Query Categorisation

Policy Comparison

Damage Assessment from Images

Insurance Needs Analysis

Policy Renewal Recommendation

Claims Status Update

Compliance Documentation Check

Claims Documentation Validation

Query Triage and Escalation

Risk Management

Organisational Risk Tolerance Analysis for Contracts and Policies

This agentic AI task performs comprehensive risk tolerance analysis for organisational contracts and policies - essential for compliance and risk management agents. The task configuration outlines how to:

  • Evaluate contract terms against predefined risk thresholds

  • Assess multiple risk dimensions (financial, legal, operational)

  • Identify non-compliant clauses and policy elements

  • Generate risk assessment scores and compliance ratings

  • Provide modification recommendations for risk alignment

As a modular task, it integrates seamlessly with contract management systems and policy databases, enabling AI agents to execute systematic risk evaluation within existing governance frameworks. The task specification includes outputs for risk scoring, compliance assessment, and recommendation generation, adaptable across various industries and regulatory contexts.

Example outputs:

  "high_risk_clauses": [
    "Section 8.2:Limitation of Liability - The cap on liability is set at £500,000, which is below our minimum threshold of £1,000,000 for contracts of this value.",
    "Section 12.1:Governing Law - The contract is governed by the laws of a jurisdiction where we lack legal representation, potentially increasing our legal risk."
  "risk_categories": [
    "Financial Risk",
    "Legal Risk",
    "Operational Risk",
    "Compliance Risk"
  "overall_risk_score": "Medium",
  "risk_explanations": [
    "The limitation of liability clause exposes the organisation to potential financial losses beyond our risk tolerance.",
    "The governing law clause may result in increased legal costs and uncertainties in case of disputes.",
    "The contract lacks specific performance metrics, which could lead to operational risks.",
    "There are potential compliance risks due to vague data protection clauses."
  "recommended_actions": [
    "Negotiate a higher limitation of liability cap to align with our risk tolerance.",
    "Consult with legal department regarding the governing law and potential need for local legal representation.",
    "Add specific, measurable performance metrics to mitigate operational risks.",
    "Enhance data protection clauses to ensure full compliance with relevant regulations."
  "manual_review_required": true