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Support Ticket Summarisation

Response Template Generation

Ticket Summarisation

Sentiment Analysis

Language Detection and Translation

Response Quality Check

Issue Trend Analysis


Brand Voice Consistency Check

This AI brand analyst task evaluates and optimises brand consistency across marketing channels and customer interactions. The task configuration outlines how to:

  • Analyse content alignment with brand voice guidelines across multiple channels

  • Evaluate customer feedback and interaction patterns

  • Process sales conversation data for performance insights

  • Assess marketing content consistency and effectiveness

  • Generate actionable recommendations for improvement

As a modular task, it integrates with content management systems, CRM platforms, and analytics tools, enabling AI agents to execute comprehensive brand consistency analysis within existing marketing workflows. The task processes diverse inputs including marketing materials, customer feedback, and sales interactions to maintain brand integrity and optimise customer engagement. The system adapts to evolving brand guidelines and industry-specific requirements, providing scalable analysis across different business contexts and communication channels.

Example outputs:

  "overall_consistency": "Medium",
  "consistency_score": "72",
  "aligned_elements": [
    "Use of brand-specific terminology in product descriptions",
    "Consistent friendly tone in customer service emails",
    "Appropriate use of humour in social media posts",
    "Clear and concise language in website headers"
  "deviations": [
    "Overly formal tone in recent blog posts",
    "Inconsistent use of brand tagline across platforms",
    "Technical jargon in Facebook ads targeting general audience",
    "Lack of brand personality in press releases"
  "tone_analysis": "The overall tone is generally aligned with the brand's friendly and approachable guidelines, but there are instances of inconsistency, particularly in more formal communications.",
  "language_consistency": "Language use is mostly consistent, with some deviations in technical content and press materials. Key brand phrases are used correctly in 85% of the analysed content.",
  "channel_specific_notes": "{\"Website\": \"High consistency, minor improvements needed\", \"Social Media\": \"Good consistency, but varies between platforms\", \"Email Campaigns\": \"Very consistent, excellent adherence to guidelines\", \"Press Releases\": \"Low consistency, significant improvements required\"}",
  "improvement_suggestions": [
    "Revise blog post guidelines to maintain a more conversational tone",
    "Create channel-specific templates that incorporate brand voice elements",
    "Conduct a workshop to align press release writing with brand voice",
    "Develop a quick-reference brand voice checklist for content creators",
    "Implement a peer review process focusing on brand voice consistency"
  "positive_examples": [
    "\"Our game-changing solution isn't just powerful – it's a breeze to use!\" (Website headline)",
    "\"Oops! Even we make mistakes sometimes. Let's sort this out together.\" (Customer service email)",
    "\"Ready to rock your productivity world? Our latest update is here!\" (Social media post)"
  "consistency_trend": "Brand voice consistency has improved by 5% compared to the last quarter's analysis, with notable enhancements in social media and email communications. However, consistency in press materials has declined slightly."